Statements and Opinions

Opinion Papers

2024/09/20 Opinion Calling for Promoting the Establishment of Local Consultation and Relief Institutions for Children and National Human Rights Institution for Children Independent from the Government to Secure the Rights of the Child Considering the Convention on the Rights of the Child
2024/06/24 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2024/03/14 Opinion Calling for Making Changes to Protect People’s Privacy Regarding the Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Related Acts, Including Introducing a System to Order the Provision of Digital Records
2024/02/15 Declaration to Promote Diversity & Inclusion at the JFBA
2023/12/14 Opinion Calling on the Media to Respect the Dignity and Privacy of Crime Victims and Give Sufficient Consideration to Their Situations and Wishes
2023/05/12 Opinion Calling for Actions Including Legislating for the Proper Management of Important Wetlands Toward Achieving the Conservation and Restoration Thereof
2023/04/14 Opinion Calling for Legislation to Ban Discriminatory Speech and Behavior Based on Race, etc.
2023/02/17 Opinion on Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Acts Related to Criminal Retrial
2023/02/16 Opinion Calling for Fundamental Reform of the Mental Health and Welfare System – Proposals on Short-Term Process Toward Abolishing the Involuntary Hospitalization Procedure
2023/02/16 4th Basic Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality at the JFBA
2023/01/20 Opinion Calling for Conducting “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” and Enacting an Act and Creating a System which Guarantees Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
2023/01/11 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2022/11/16 Grand Design of Criminal Justice Reform for Preventing of Miscarriages of Justice (Enzai) 2022 Edition
2022/11/15 Proposal on a System Design for Alternative Punishment Following the Abolition of the Death Penalty
2022/08/18 Opinion Calling for Review of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States and Improvement to its Framework
2022/06/17 Opinion for Improving the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) System so that the Saiban-in Can Participate More Proactively and Substantively
2022/04/15 Opinion on Abolishing the Technical Intern Training Program and Reforming the Specified Skilled Worker Program
2022/03/18 Opinion Calling for Review of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States and Improvement to the Framework for Its Implementation in Relation to Quarantine, in Light of the Increase in COVID-19 Infection at U.S. Military Bases
2022/03/17 Current Direction on Policy Regarding the Number of Legal Professionals—Results of the Review for Further Reduction in the Number of Successful Bar Examinees
2022/02/17 Action Plan for National Rollout and Enhancement of Legal Services
2022/01/20 Opinion Opposing the Discharge to the Sea to Manage Contaminated Water and Treated Water Generated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
2022/01/20 Opinion on the Three-Year Review under Supplementary Provision 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
2021/12/06 Response to the call for inputs on protection of lawyers by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
2021/12/02 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Sixth Strategic Energy Plan” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/17 Proposal Calling to Enact a Basic Act on the Rights of the Child
2021/09/16 Opinion on Statutory Regulations on the Use of Facial Recognition Systems by Public and Private Sector Organizations and Incorporated Administrative Agencies
2021/08/19 Opinion on the Introduction of a Discretional Separate-surname Retaining System
2021/06/18 Opinion on Achieving Decarbonization by 2050 without Dependence on Nuclear Energy
2021/04/16 <COVID-19>Opinion Calling to Ensure Opportunities for Visitation in Social Welfare Facilities and Medical Facilities
2021/03/18 Opinion on the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2021/02/19 <COVID-19>Proposal on the COVID-19 Vaccination
2021/02/18 Opinion on People of the Same Sex Deserving Equal Application of Law as Persons Who Are in a de facto Marital Relationship
2021/01/21 <COVID-19>Proposal on Providing Temporary Benefits in the Event of Emergency
2020/11/17 Opinion Calling for Eliminating Hostage Justice
2020/11/17 Grand Design of Criminal Justice Reform for Preventing Miscarriages of Justice (Enzai) 2020 Edition
2020/10/23 Request to Abolish the Death Penalty
2020/09/10 Opinion Calling for Appropriate Application of the Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons Originating from Outside Japan
2020/08/20 Opinion on the Reform of the Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee
2020/07/16 Opinion Calling for Relief Measures for the Former Crew Members of the Fishing Boats Suffering Health Effects of the Radiation Exposure Caused by the Hydrogen Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
2020/05/07 Opinion on the “draft Rules and draft Guidelines of the Japan Fair Trade Commission (“JFTC”) proposed in conjunction with the implementation of the Amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law of Japan (“AML”)"(“this Opinion”)
2019/11/21 Opinion Concerning Concrete Matters and Measures to Be Incorporated into the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
2019/10/15 Opinion Calling for the Cessation of Using Handcuffs and Waist Ropes on Suspects or Defendants While Entering and Leaving the Courtroom in Criminal Trials
2019/10/15 Basic Propositions on Abolition of the Death Penalty and on Introducing Alternative Punishment and Instituting a Judicial Proceeding System for Commutation
2019/09/12 Principles on the Support for Pro Se Litigants in the Context of Digitization of Civil Court Proceedings
2019/07/18 Opinion on Marriage between Parties of the Same Sex
2019/07/18 Grand Design of International Strategy
2019/06/21 Draft of the outline for legislation of the Acts reflecting the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration with amendments as adopted in 2006
2019/04/18 Opinion on Matters to Be Included in the Kyoto Declaration at the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2018/08/23 Guide on ESG-related Risk Management - for Coordinated Efforts and Dialogue among Companies, Investors, and Financial Institutions
2018/06/15 Opinion Calling for the Formulation of a Basic Energy Plan Consistent with the Paris Agreement
2018/04/13 Opinion Calling for the Establishment by Law of the Right to Have Counsel Present in Interrogations
2018/03/29 Request to Suspend Executions
2018/02/14 JFBA Opinion concerning the Japanese Government’s Comments on the Draft General Comment No.36 on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
2017/11/29 Request to Achieve the Abolishment of the Death Penalty System Before the Next UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Due to be Held in Japan in 2020
2017/08/24 Opinion Concerning the Mandatory Appointment of Outside Directors
2017/02/17 Opinion Opposing the Submission of the Bill to Criminalize Conspiracy to the Diet
2017/02/17 Opinion Opposing the Introduction of the Provision Regarding National Emergencies into the Constitution of Japan
2017/02/17 Opinion Concerning the Review of the Act for Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
2017/02/16 Opinion Calling for the Enhancement of the Functions of International Arbitration in Japan
2017/02/16 Opinion Concerning the Improvement of the Legal System of Japan to Implement the Paris Agreement
2017/01/19 Opinion Concerning Police Investigation Using GPS-Tracking Devices for Searching Individuals' Locations
2016/09/15 Opinion Concerning the Legal Restrictions on Facial Recognition Systems
2016/09/15 Opinion Calling for the Japanese Government to Formulate a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
2016/08/18 Opinion Concerning the Concept of the Nuclear Damage Compensation System
2016/07/15 Guidance on Prevention of Foreign Bribery
2016/04/14 Opinion Calling for the Retraction of the Government’s View Concerning “Political Fairness” in the Broadcast Law, and the Guarantee of the Freedom of the Press
2016/02/19 Basic Recommendation for Establishment of Principles of Protection of Confidentiality of Communications between Attorney and Client
2015/12/09 Request for the Launch of a Nationwide Debate on Abolition of the Death Penalty System and Suspending Executions and Taking Immediate Measures to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice Leading to the Death Penalty
2015/07/16 Opinion Calling for Securing the Protection of Human Rights for Those Suffering from Intractable Diseases
2015/06/18 Opinion Concerning the Bills to Revise National Security Policies
2015/05/07 Opinion Calling for Prompt Policies and Measures to be Taken toward the Eradication of Discrimination due to Race and Other Factors
2015/01/07 Guidance on Human Rights Due Diligence
2014/12/19 Opinion Paper Concerning the Revision of Textbook Examination Standards, the Guidelines for the Screening of Textbook Examination Standards, and the Adoption of Textbooks
2014/11/11 Request for the Launch of a Nationwide Debate on Abolition of the Death Penalty System and Suspending Executions and Taking Immediate Measures to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice Leading to the Death Penalty
2014/09/19 Opinion Calling for Repeal of the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets
2014/09/18 Opinion Concerning the Cabinet’s Decision Approving the Exercise of the Right to Collective Self-Defense, etc.
2014/09/18 Opinion Calling for Improvement of the Detention System at Immigration Control
2014/07/24 Opinion Concerning the Draft (Ministerial) Notification Regarding Operation for Acceptance of Foreign Construction Workers
2014/05/08 Opinion Concerning Overall Augmentation of Records on Procedures in which Courts are Involved during Police Investigations
2014/05/08 Opinion Calling for Legislation of a Law Concerning Records of Criminal Investigations
2014/02/21 Proposals on Refugee Status Recognition System and Status of Refugee Applicants in Japan
2014/02/20 Opinion Calling for the Establishment of a Domestic Human Rights Institution
2014/02/20 Opinion with Respect to the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States
2013/07/18 Opinion Concerning Proposal for Legislation Regarding Court Interpreters
2013/01/17 Opinion Concerning the Establishment of the New Criminal Justice System (No.4)
2012/11/15 Opinion Requesting a Review of the Current System for Allowing Participation of Victims of Crimes in Criminal Trials
2012/11/14 Eliminating and preventing all forms of violence against women and girls (To CSW57)
2012/10/30 Issues to be Reviewed and Discussed Regarding the Death Penalty System
2012/09/14 Opinion Concerning Legislating for the Observer’s Presence at Interrogations of Intellectually-Challenged Suspects
2012/09/13 Opinion concerning the Establishment of the New Criminal Justice System (No.3)
2012/09/13 Opinion concerning the Establishment of the New Criminal Justice System (No.2)
2012/06/14 Opinion concerning the Establishment of the New Criminal Justice System (No.1)
2012/03/15 Proposal Concerning Reform of the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) Trial System for the Post Third Year Review of the Implementation of the Saiban-in Act
2012/03/15 Provisional Legislative Proposal for the Realization of Government-Funded Legal Aid for Victims of Crime
2012/02/17 Request for the Launch of a Nationwide Debate on the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Suspension of Executions, and Taking Immediate Measures to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice Leading to the Death Penalty
2012/01/19 Opinion on the Statutory Regulations governing / regarding the Installation and Operation of Video Surveillance Devices
2011/12/15 Opinion Paper on the “Compiled Report in Relation to the Audio/Visual Recording of Interrogations of Suspects, by a Study Group within the Ministry of Justice”
2011/08/19 Opinions on the “Establishment of a New Human Rights Relief Institution (Basic Policy)” issued by the Minister, Senior Vice Minister and Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice
2011/08/19 Request by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and Bar Associations for the Realization of Inspections of Execution Chambers
2011/04/22 Recommendations on Relief from Unreasonable Debt including Double Loan Payments as a Result of the Great East Japan Earthquake
2011/04/18 Proposal for Civil Society Consultation on Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Body System
2011/03/27 Basic Policies for the Promotion of Civil Justice Reforms
2011/03/27 Urgent Recommendations on Improvement of the Professional Legal Training and Education System
2011/03/27 Urgent Recommendations on Policies for the Number of Legal Professionals
2011/02/18 Statement of Opinion on Recommended Measures to be taken on the Conclusion of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Hague Convention)
2010/12/09 Appeal for Human Rights Relief on the Treatment and Protection of Children of Foreign Nationals Detained in Immigration Centers (Warning and Recommendation)
2010/11/17 Recommendations on Special Residence Permits
2010/11/09 Recommendation Concerning an Appeal for Human Rights Relief for the Treatment of an Inmate with Gender Identity Disorder in a Penal Institution
2010/08/05 Request for “Working Team on the Death Penalty System”
2010/08/05 Request Concerning the “Ministry of Justice Study Group on the Death Penalty”
2010/07/15 Opinions Concerning Future Policies of the Ministry of Justice in Considering the Introduction of Audio/Video Recording of Interrogations
2010/05/31 Observation for the Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
2010/03/19 Opinion Calling for Disclosure of All Decisions of Saiban-in Trials
2010/03/19 Opinion for The Twelfth United Nations Congress On Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2010/03/18 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Guideline 2009
2010/03/18 Legislative Proposal to Lower and Fix Litigation Fees
2010/01/22 Opinion on Internet Map Retrieval Systems Containing Numerous Images of People and Residences
2010/01/15 Opinion on Investigation of Secret Agreements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009/12/09 Appeal for Suspension of Executions
2009/11/06 Declaration for Accelerating Activities for Protecting Human Rights Based on the “Declaration on Action for Human Rights 2009”
2009/07/28 Appeal for Suspension of Executions
2009/07/17 Opinion on "Verification on Experimental Audio/Video Recording of Interrogations at Police"
2009/06/18 Opinion Aiming at the Improvement of Support for the Lives of Refugee Applicants
2009/03/18 Recommendations on the Population of Legal Professionals in the Foreseeable Future
2009/03/18 Opinion Paper Requesting Appointment of Foreign Nationals as Conciliation Commissioners and Judicial Commissioners
2009/03/18 Basic Policies for International Legal Technical Assistance by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
2009/02/19 Opinion on the Creation of a New System for Immigration and Residence Control of Foreign Nationals and the Development of an Alien Residential Register System
2009/01/16 Recommendations to Improve the New Professional Legal Education and Training System
2008/04/17 Opinion to Request Partial Amendments to the Act on Penal Detention Facilities and Treatment of Inmates and Detainees and the Code of Criminal Procedure In Response to the Conclusions of the Committee against Torture
2008/03/13 Bill Concerning the Establishment of Research Committees on the Death Penalty System and the Suspension of Execution of Death Sentences (JFBA Bill on Suspension of Executions)
2007/12/21 Opinion on the National Police Agency's DNA Database System
2007/10/11 Opinion on Proposed Ministry Ordinance to Amend the Implementation Ordinance of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2007/06/14 Opinions on Bills to Amend Three Educational Laws
2007/06/14 The JFBA's Basic Stance on the FATF Mutual Evaluation
2007/05/01 Opinions on System for Direct Participation of Crime Victims in Criminal Trials
2007/03/02 Opinions on Bill to Amend the Law Concerning the Improvement of Employment Management Etc. of Part-Time Workers
2007/02/15 Opinion Paper on Reporting System of Employment of Foreign Nationals aiming to Reinforce Immigration and Residence Control of Them
2006/10/17 Opinion Paper on New Refugee Status Recognition System
2006/09/15 Opinion Paper on Bill to Revise Fundamental Law of Education
2006/09/14 JFBA Opposes Criminalization of Conspiracy
2006/07/20 Opinion Paper on Project concerning Future Acceptance of Foreign Nationals and Interim Report on Future Acceptance of Foreign Nationals by Senior Vice-Minister of Justice
2005/12/15 Opinion Paper on the Creation of a New System to Reinforce Immigration and Residence Control of Foreigners
2005/08/09 Request for Suspension of Execution of Death Sentences
2005/07/20 Request for Support of Proposal to Establish Human Rights Council at the United Nations
2005/07/14 Opinion Paper on Overseas Atomic Bomb Survivors
2005/06/17 Opinion Paper on Accident at KEPCO Mihama Power Station
2005/06/16 Opinion Paper on Revision of the Law on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment
2005/03/17 Position Paper from the Japan Federation of Bar Associations to the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2005/03/17 Opinion Statement on the System to Provide Information on the Website of the Immigration Bureau under the Ministry of Justice
2004/10/08 Declaration Seeking the Building of a Harmonious Multiethnic, Multicultural Society, and the Enactment of legislation for the Basic Human Rights of Non-national and Ethnic Minorities
2004/03/19 Information Document Submitted to Ms.Lalaina Rakotoarisoa, Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
2003/06/01 Alternative Report to the Second Report of the Japanese Government on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
2002/11/22 Recommendations on the Capital Punishment System
2002/07/18 Opinions on FATF Consultation Paper on Gatekeepers
2002/03/15 Statement of Opinion on the Awase Tidal Flat Landfill Project
2000/04/10 The Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment Offenders Vienna, Austria
1998/02/03 Opinion Statement Requesting Adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
1995/04/10 The Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment Offenders Cairo, Egypt
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