Opinion Papers
English>Statements and Opinions>Opinion Papers>Opinion Concerning Police Investigation Using GPS-Tracking Devices for Searching Individuals' Locations

Opinion Concerning Police Investigation Using GPS-Tracking Devices for Searching Individuals' Locations

   January 19, 2017

Japan Federation of Bar Associations


The Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) prepared its “Opinion Concerning Police Investigation Using GPS-Tracking Devices for Searching Individuals' Locations Information” (the “Opinion”) on January 19, 2017, and submitted it to the Commissioner General of the National Police Agency on February 1, 2017.

Summary of the Opinion

  1. The JFBA calls on the National Police Agency (NPA) to immediately halt investigations using GPS-tracking devices to obtain information regarding individuals' locations (GPS Investigations) currently implemented for voluntary-based investigations in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Use of Tracking Devices."
  2. In order to prevent unjustifiable infringement of the right to privacy of those who are subject to GPS Investigations, the JFBA calls for the enactment of a new law that at least sets up the conditions and procedures to ensure that GPS Investigations are implemented under a warrant issued by a judge through his or her strict examination.


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