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What's new


2024/11/08 Japan-Philippines Law Conference 2024 on Cross-Border Inheritance Practice between Japan and the Philippines
2024/01/18 The 101st Seminar on International Human Rights: Business and Human Rights in Conflict - Case studies of Russian invasion of Ukraine and corporate responses
2023/09/02 【2-4 Sep】The 4th LAWASIA Human Rights Conference 2023
2022/03/18 Free Legal Consultation for Foreign Residents in the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022/01/26 Symposium on Realizing the Access to Remedy in Japan – The 1st year anniversary of the Japan's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
2021/05/31 JFBA OECD Joint Webinar “Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in practice – Responsible Business Conduct and the Role of Lawyers”
2021/03/13 International symposium: Prospects of the Future of Criminal Justice - Can criminal justice systems coexist with death penalty and attacks on lawyers?
2020/11/18 Joint Seminar hosted by MOJ, JFBA and JIDRC on Revised Foreign Lawyers Act and Efforts to Activate International Arbitration
2020/01/30 2020 GJB Seminar ~Updates on Amendment to GJB Law and Guidance on Naming and Labeling of GJB Office~
2019/06/04 Symposium “Detention in Japan – Isn’t it arbitrary detention?”
2018/10/02 Symposium Why is it necessary to ratify the Optional Protocol to Eliminate Discrimination against Women?  ~We think with Ms.Patricia Schulz (Chair of Working Group on Communications of CEDAW)~
2018/09/05 2018 ESG Seminar Series II Conversations with lawyers from the International Bar Association (IBA) and former Japanese general counsel“Global trends of Business & Human Rights and the role of lawyers and in-house counsel in Japan”
2017/12/06 Guidance for Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi Re: New regulations on ABS & Office Name of Geikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi
2017/09/22 Symposium “Towards Formulation of National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights “
2017/05/13 ILAC Public Seminar "A Necessary Challenge: Building Resilient and Responsive Justice Institutions in Fragile and Repressive Countries"
2013/11/12 A conference co-presented by the IBA and the JFBA, supported by the IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum
2013/10/08 Japan Night -IBA Annual Conference in 2013 Hosted by Japan Federation of Bar Associations
2013/02/28 Inaugural Asia-based International Financial Law Conference: West meets East
2012/11/25 International Bar Association 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Forum Conference 25 - 27 November 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2012/10/03 Japan Federation of Bar Associations breakfast
2012/10/03 Japan Night- IBA Annual Conference in 2012 Hosted by Japan Federation of Bar Associations
2012/03/28 International Seminar on Consumer litigation in Japan, the U.S., and China ~Class-Action and Cross-Border lawsuits~
2011/11/22 3rd Opportunity for Exchange between Nichibenren and Foreign Lawyers
2011/04/23 International Relations Seminar “Reform of the Judicial System-Issues of Population in the Legal Profession and Systems to Nurture the Legal Profession”
2010/12/02 2nd Opportunity for Exchange between Nichibenren and Foreign Lawyers-Buffet Party-
2010/03/25 Seminar on Legal Technical Assistance "International Legal Assistance Programs of the World Bank and their future"
2010/02/09 Opportunity for Exchange between Nichibenren and Foreign Lawyers -Buffet Party-
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