Statements and Opinions

English>Statements and Opinions
2024/11/07 Comment Calling to Immediately Introduce a Discretional Separate-surname Retaining System Following Recommendations from the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
2024/10/21 Comment on Welcoming the Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Nihon Hidankyo
2024/10/09 Comment on the Finalization of the Judgment of Acquittal in the Retrial of the Hakamada Case
2024/10/04 Resolution to Achieve the Conservation of the Global Environment and the Sustainable Development of Local Communities by Choosing Renewable Energy as a Means to Protect Human Rights
2024/09/20 Opinion Calling for Promoting the Establishment of Local Consultation and Relief Institutions for Children and National Human Rights Institution for Children Independent from the Government to Secure the Rights of the Child Considering the Convention on the Rights of the Child
2024/07/03 Statement Calling to Fully Redress the Victims of Eugenic Surgeries and Amend the Act on Lump-sum Payments Following the Verdict by the Supreme Court
2024/06/24 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2024/06/14 Resolution Calling for Fundamentally Reforming the State of Interrogations and Achieving the Audio and Video Recording of the Entire Process of Interrogations in All Cases, as well as Establishing the Right to Have Defense Counsel Present at Interrogations
2024/04/25 Comment on the Enactment of the Act Partially Amending the Comprehensive Legal Support Act Concerning the Establishment of the Attorney Assistance System for Crime Victims and Bereaved Families
2024/04/10 Statement Calling for the Immediate Legislation to Recognize Marriage between Parties of the Same Sex Following the Sapporo High Court’s Ruling
2024/03/14 Opinion Calling for Making Changes to Protect People’s Privacy Regarding the Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Related Acts, Including Introducing a System to Order the Provision of Digital Records
2024/03/07 Statement on the Ideal Form of the Technical Intern Training Program and the Specified Skilled Worker System, and the Government’s Policy to Allow the Revocation of the Residence Status of Permanent Residents
2024/02/15 Declaration to Promote Diversity & Inclusion at the JFBA
2023/12/14 Opinion Calling on the Media to Respect the Dignity and Privacy of Crime Victims and Give Sufficient Consideration to Their Situations and Wishes
2023/12/07 Statement Concerning Advisory Panel’s Final Report on the Ideal Form of the Technical Intern Training Program and the Specified Skilled Worker System
2023/11/29 Statement Calling for an Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire against Israeli and Palestinian Militants, including Hamas, and Urging the Japanese Government to Work toward its Implementation
2023/10/06 Resolution to Achieve a Society Guaranteeing “Access to Medical Care” as a Human Right
2023/10/06 Resolution Calling for Improving and Enhancing the Functions of Family Courts to Protect the Human Rights of Local Residents including Children, Older Persons, and Persons with Disabilities
2023/09/04 Statement Concerning the Government’s Policy on Granting Special Residence Permits to Children of Deportation Evaders Born and Raised in Japan
2023/07/11 Statement on the Government of Japan's Attitude Declaration during the 4th Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
2023/07/06 Statement Concerning the Enactment of the Amended Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2023/06/30 Statement Again Calling for Amending of the Legislation to Allow All Couples to Marry Regardless of Their Gender
2023/06/16 Resolution Calling for the Immediate Amendment of Part IV of the Code of Criminal Procedure to Enable Victims who Have Suffered Miscarriages of Justice to Be Rescued As Soon As Possible
2023/05/12 Opinion Calling for Actions Including Legislating for the Proper Management of Important Wetlands Toward Achieving the Conservation and Restoration Thereof
2023/05/10 Statement Calling for Proper Operation of the Bail System Concerning Enactment of the “Bill Partially Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Acts”
2023/04/24 Comment on the Acquittal Ruling by the Supreme Court in a Stillborn Twins Abandonment Case Against a Former Technical Intern Trainee
2023/04/21 Statement calling for the Government of Japan to play an active role as host of the G7 Hiroshima Summit towards a "world without nuclear weapons"
2023/04/14 Opinion Calling for Legislation to Ban Discriminatory Speech and Behavior Based on Race, etc.
2023/03/20 Statement Regarding Ruling to Open a Retrial of the Hakamada Case
2023/03/13 Statement Welcoming the High Court’s Ruling to Uphold the Original Ruling to Open a Retrial of the Hakamada Case, and Urging the Public Prosecutors to Abandon Making a Special Appeal Against the Ruling
2023/03/09 Statement Opposing the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2023/03/03 Statement Regarding the Basic Plan for the Realization of GX and the Bill Promoting a Smooth Transition to the Decarbonized Growth-Oriented Economic Structure
2023/02/17 Opinion on Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure and Other Acts Related to Criminal Retrial
2023/02/16 Statement Protesting Discriminatory Comments towards Sexual Minorities and Calling for Immediate Legislation to Recognize Same-Sex Marriage
2023/02/16 Opinion Calling for Fundamental Reform of the Mental Health and Welfare System – Proposals on Short-Term Process Toward Abolishing the Involuntary Hospitalization Procedure
2023/02/16 4th Basic Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality at the JFBA
2023/02/09 Statement on the recommendations issued at the Fourth Universal Periodic Review of Japan by the United Nations Human Rights Council
2023/01/20 Opinion Calling for Conducting “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” and Enacting an Act and Creating a System which Guarantees Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
2023/01/11 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2022/12/26 Statement Calling for Applying the Newly Introduced Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Nationality Act in a Manner that Gives Maximum Consideration to the Human Rights of Affected Children, and Reviewing the Nationality System as a Whole
2022/11/16 Grand Design of Criminal Justice Reform for Preventing of Miscarriages of Justice (Enzai) 2022 Edition
2022/11/15 Proposal on a System Design for Alternative Punishment Following the Abolition of the Death Penalty
2022/11/09 Statement Calling for Reviewing the Bill for Amendments to the Act on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Disabled
2022/11/09 Statement on the Concluding Observations of the United Nations Human Rights Committee
2022/09/30 Resolution Calling for Designing Systems for a Digital Society where the Right to Control Personal Information is Ensured in Order to Protect Human Autonomy and Democracy in a Digital Society
2022/09/30 Resolution Calling to Review the Policy for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Fulfill the Responsibility of Realizing a Sustainable Society for Future Generations
2022/09/30 Resolution Calling to Fully Redress the Victims of Eugenic Surgeries Performed under the Now-defunct Eugenic Protection Act
2022/09/30 Resolution Calling to Ensure the Rights of the Ainu People
2022/08/18 Opinion Calling for Review of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States and Improvement to its Framework
2022/07/26 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Execution and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium on All Executions and to Enact Legislation Immediately to Abolish the Death Penalty
2022/07/14 Statement Calling on the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to advance concrete and effective proposals at the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) that will lead to a world without nuclear weapons
2022/07/08 Statement on the Shooting against Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
2022/06/29 Statement on the Enactment of the Basic Act on the Child and the Act for Establishment of the Children and Families Agency
2022/06/17 Opinion for Improving the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) System so that the Saiban-in Can Participate More Proactively and Substantively
2022/06/01 Statement Opposing the Resubmission of the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act by the Government on the Pretext of Protecting Evacuees from Ukraine
2022/05/26 Statement Urging the Japanese Government to Sign and Ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as Soon as Possible on the Occasion of the First Meeting of its State Parties
2022/05/20 Statement on the Enactment of the Act Partially Amending the Code of Civil Procedure
2022/05/15 Statement on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan
2022/05/02 Statement Opposing the Introduction of the Emergency Clause and the Extension of the Terms of Office of Members of the House of Representatives through Amendment of the Constitution of Japan
2022/04/15 Opinion on Abolishing the Technical Intern Training Program and Reforming the Specified Skilled Worker Program
2022/03/22 Statement Opposing Mandatory Installation of Security Cameras Inside Trains
2022/03/18 Opinion Calling for Review of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States and Improvement to the Framework for Its Implementation in Relation to Quarantine, in Light of the Increase in COVID-19 Infection at U.S. Military Bases
2022/03/17 Current Direction on Policy Regarding the Number of Legal Professionals—Results of the Review for Further Reduction in the Number of Successful Bar Examinees
2022/03/04 President’s Statement Strongly Protesting the Russian Federation’s Military Invasion of Ukraine
2022/02/17 Action Plan for National Rollout and Enhancement of Legal Services
2022/02/17 Statement against the Advocacy to Change Certain Descriptions in Textbooks in Line with the Government’s Point of View
2022/02/16 Statement on the Outline of the Amendment to the Civil Code (Law of Parent and Child) and Other Related Acts
2022/02/04 <COVID-19>Statement Calling to Provide for the Application of the Quarantine Act to the U.S. Armed Forces in Japan in the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement and Take Emergency Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Infection from the U.S. Military Bases in Japan
2022/01/20 Opinion Opposing the Discharge to the Sea to Manage Contaminated Water and Treated Water Generated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
2022/01/20 Opinion on the Three-Year Review under Supplementary Provision 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
2021/12/21 Statement Strongly Protesting Executions and Calling to Enact Legislation to Abolish the Death Penalty and Place a Moratorium on All Executions until the Death Penalty is Abolished
2021/12/09 Statement Calling on the Japanese Government to Take an Active Role at the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
2021/12/06 Response to the call for inputs on protection of lawyers by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
2021/12/06 Response to the call for inputs on protection of lawyers by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
2021/12/02 Letter of Request Seeking the Abolition of the Death Penalty System
2021/11/25 Statement by the President Requesting Suspension of the Use of Facial Recognition Systems by Railway Business Operators
2021/10/15 Resolution Aiming at Realizing a Society Where All Consumers may Live Reassured and Safely in the Super Aging Society
2021/10/15 Resolution Calling for Actions to Enhance Local Autonomy and Achieve a Society Offering a Safe and Secure Living to All
2021/10/15 Declaration of Commitment to Protecting the Lives and Dignity of Disaster Victims under the Mission of Lawyers—Ten Years on from the Great East Japan Earthquake
2021/10/15 Resolution Calling to Establish the Dignity of Individuals with Cognitive Impairment
2021/10/15 Declaration to Aim for a Sustainable Society Averting Climate Crisis
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Sixth Strategic Energy Plan” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/29 Opinion on the “Draft Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures” Developed by the Japanese Government
2021/09/17 Proposal Calling to Enact a Basic Act on the Rights of the Child
2021/09/16 Opinion on Statutory Regulations on the Use of Facial Recognition Systems by Public and Private Sector Organizations and Incorporated Administrative Agencies
2021/08/19 Opinion on the Introduction of a Discretional Separate-surname Retaining System
2021/07/16 Statement Calling Once Again to Abolish the Death Penalty in Japan on the Occasion of the Announcement of a Moratorium on U.S. Federal Executions
2021/06/25 Statement Calling to Amend Article 750 of the Civil Code to Introduce a Discretional Separate-surname Retaining System on the Occasion of the Pronouncement of Ruling by the Supreme Court’s Grand Bench
2021/06/18 Opinion on Achieving Decarbonization by 2050 without Dependence on Nuclear Energy
2021/06/16 Statement on the Supreme Court Decision that Finds Non-Disclosure of Medical Records by Tokyo Detention Center Illegal
2021/05/21 Statement on the Amendment to the Juvenile Act Applied to 18- and 19-Year-Olds
2021/05/14 Statement Opposing Once Again the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Submitted by the Government
2021/04/22 Statement on the Gender Gap Index Published by the World Economic Forum
2021/04/16 <COVID-19>Opinion Calling to Ensure Opportunities for Visitation in Social Welfare Facilities and Medical Facilities
2021/03/30 Statement on the Death of the Detainee in the Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau
2021/03/18 Opinion on the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2021/03/11 Statement on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Continued Undertakings to Facilitate “Humanitarian Recovery” and for the Support of Disaster Victims
2021/02/26 Statement on the Bill for Amendments to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Submitted by the Government
2021/02/19 <COVID-19>Proposal on the COVID-19 Vaccination
2021/02/18 Opinion on People of the Same Sex Deserving Equal Application of Law as Persons Who Are in a de facto Marital Relationship
2021/02/18 Statement of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations at the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2021/01/22 <COVID-19>Statement Opposing the Bills to Amend the Infectious Diseases Act and the Special Measures Act
2021/01/22 Statement Welcoming the Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
2021/01/21 <COVID-19>Proposal on Providing Temporary Benefits in the Event of Emergency
2020/12/02 Statement on the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights Published by the Japanese Government
2020/11/17 Opinion Calling for Eliminating Hostage Justice
2020/11/17 Grand Design of Criminal Justice Reform for Preventing Miscarriages of Justice (Enzai) 2020 Edition
2020/11/06 Statement Calling for Early Signing and Ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the Japanese Government
2020/10/23 Request to Abolish the Death Penalty
2020/10/21 Statement Calling for Serious Consideration of the Opinion of the UN Human Rights Council’s WGAD concerning Detention in the Context of Migration and Complying with International Law
2020/10/05 Statement Calling for a Thorough Review by the Council on Renovation of the Legal and Prosecutorial Administration to Ensure that Japanese Criminal Procedure will Comply with the Constitution of Japan and International Human Rights Instruments
2020/09/10 Opinion Calling for Appropriate Application of the Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons Originating from Outside Japan
2020/09/04 <COVID-19>Declaration to Work Diligently on the Legal Issues and Human Rights Issues Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic
2020/08/27 Statement Calling for Normalizing the Complaint Review Mechanism on Refugee Status Determination Consistent with the Spirit of Amending the Administrative Complaint Review Act
2020/08/20 Opinion on the Reform of the Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee
2020/07/29 <COVID-19>Statement Calling for Building a Society without Discrimination in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic
2020/07/16 Opinion Calling for Relief Measures for the Former Crew Members of the Fishing Boats Suffering Health Effects of the Radiation Exposure Caused by the Hydrogen Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
2020/07/15 Statement on Redress for Victims of the Now-defunct Eugenic Protection Act in the Wake of the Tokyo District Court’s Judgment
2020/07/03 Statement on the “Proposal to Solve the Issues of Deportation Evasion and Long-term Detention”
2020/06/11 <COVID-19>Statement Calling for Producing the Official Records of the Proceedings of Every Meeting of the Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting Specifying the Speaker Information and Respective Utterance Contents
2020/05/15 <COVID-19>Statement on Conducting the Postponed 2020 Bar Examinations
2020/05/07 <COVID-19>Statement calling for the flexible operation of the public assistance system and its active use as a special measure during the period until the convergence of the spread of the novel coronavirus
2020/05/07 <COVID-19>Statement Calling to Cease the Excessive Restriction on Ordinary Visits in Penal Institutions
2020/05/07 Opinion on the “draft Rules and draft Guidelines of the Japan Fair Trade Commission (“JFTC”) proposed in conjunction with the implementation of the Amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law of Japan (“AML”)"(“this Opinion”)
2020/04/23 <COVID-19>Statement Calling for Infection Spread Prevention in Penal Detention Facilities
2020/04/17 <COVID-19>Statement Calling for Preventing Escalation of Domestic Harm (Domestic Violence/Abuse) Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic
2020/04/15 <COVID-19>Statement on the Postponement of Criminal Trial Dates, etc.
2020/04/15 <COVID-19>Statement Calling for the elimination of the risk of “Three C’s” (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact settings) at immigration detention facilities.
2020/01/31 Comment in Protest of the Search Conducted at a Law Office
2019/12/27 Statement Opposing the Dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces to Waters in the Middle East
2019/12/26 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Execution and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty
2019/12/20 Statement Calling for Application of Tuition-free Measures to Preschool/Daycare Facilities belonging to Foreign National Schools
2019/11/21 Opinion Concerning Concrete Matters and Measures to Be Incorporated into the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
2019/10/15 Opinion Calling for the Cessation of Using Handcuffs and Waist Ropes on Suspects or Defendants While Entering and Leaving the Courtroom in Criminal Trials
2019/10/15 Basic Propositions on Abolition of the Death Penalty and on Introducing Alternative Punishment and Instituting a Judicial Proceeding System for Commutation
2019/10/04 Resolution Calling for the Immediate Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure Part IV to Urgently Rescue Victims Who Have Suffered a Miscarriage of Justice
2019/10/04 Resolution Requesting the Implementation of an Individual Complaints Procedure and the Establishment of a National Human Rights Institution
2019/10/04 Declaration Calling for the Establishment of the Right to Have the Assistance of Counsel: Counsel’s Presence at Interrogation Changes the Criminal Justice System
2019/09/12 Principles on the Support for Pro Se Litigants in the Context of Digitization of Civil Court Proceedings
2019/08/08 Statement on the death incident of the detainee in the Immigration Center and re-detention
2019/08/02 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Executions and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty by 2020
2019/07/18 Opinion on Marriage between Parties of the Same Sex
2019/07/18 Grand Design of International Strategy
2019/06/21 Draft of the outline for legislation of the Acts reflecting the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration with amendments as adopted in 2006
2019/06/19 Confidentiality of Communication between Clients and Attorneys(so called legal professional privilege or attorney client privilege)in Conjunction with the Amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Act
2019/06/14 Declaration to further promote the expansion of legal services required by globalization and internationalization of society and the improvement of access to these services
2019/05/21 Comment on the 10th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) System
2019/04/18 Opinion on Matters to Be Included in the Kyoto Declaration at the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2018/12/27 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Executions and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty by 2020
2018/12/10 Comment on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2018/10/05 Resolution Aiming at Preventing and Recovering Damage, and Supporting Victims of Organized Crimes Targeting the Socially Vulnerable, Notably Special Fraud
2018/10/05 Resolution Calling for a Society in which Young People can See Hope for the Future
2018/10/05 Declaration Calling for the Introduction of a New System to Accept Foreign Workers and the Establishment of a New Society in which People from Various National Backgrounds can Live Together
2018/08/23 Guide on ESG-related Risk Management - for Coordinated Efforts and Dialogue among Companies, Investors, and Financial Institutions
2018/07/26 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Executions and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty by 2020
2018/07/06 Statement Strongly Protesting Today’s Executions and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty by 2020
2018/06/15 Opinion Calling for the Formulation of a Basic Energy Plan Consistent with the Paris Agreement
2018/06/13 Statement on the Enactment of the Act to Partially Amend the Civil Code to Lower the Age of Adulthood
2018/04/13 Opinion Calling for the Establishment by Law of the Right to Have Counsel Present in Interrogations
2018/03/29 Request to Suspend Executions
2018/02/14 JFBA Opinion concerning the Japanese Government’s Comments on the Draft General Comment No.36 on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
2017/12/21 Statement on the Performance of the Verification of the Identity of the client by Attorneys, etc.
2017/12/19 Statement Strongly Protesting Against an Execution and Calling for an Immediate Moratorium and the Abolition of the Death Penalty by 2020
2017/12/14 Statement on the Special Appeal by Prosecutors in the Matsubase Case
2017/12/13 Statement on the Temporary Injunction Ruling Regarding the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant by the Hiroshima High Court
2017/12/08 Comment on the JFBA’s Adoption of a New Special Measure to Promote Gender Equality (Women Quota System for Vice President Positions)
2017/11/29 Request to Achieve the Abolishment of the Death Penalty System Before the Next UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Due to be Held in Japan in 2020
2017/11/15 Statement regarding the UPR of Japan by the United Nations Human Rights Council
2017/10/06 Resolution Calling for the Conservation of Biodiversity and the Realization of Sustainable and Autonomous Local Communities
2017/10/06 Resolution Calling for Enhancing Guarantee of the Right to Privacy and the Right to Know, and the Promotion of Information Disclosure to Realize a Democratic Society that Secures Respect for the Individual
2017/10/06 Resolution Concerning Judicial Responsibility for the Hansen’s Disease Isolated Court
2017/10/06 Resolution Aiming at Securing Equal Access to Comprehensive Support for Crime Victims
2017/08/24 Opinion Concerning the Mandatory Appointment of Outside Directors
2017/06/15 Statement on the Enactment of the Bill to Revise the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes and Control of Crime Proceeds, including the Criminalization of Conspiracy
2017/05/26 Statement on the Enactment of the Act to Partially Revise the Civil Code and the Act Concerning the Arrangement of Related Acts
2017/03/15 Comment on the Ruling on GPS Investigation made by the Grand Bench of the Supreme Court
2017/02/17 Opinion Opposing the Submission of the Bill to Criminalize Conspiracy to the Diet
2017/02/17 Opinion Opposing the Introduction of the Provision Regarding National Emergencies into the Constitution of Japan
2017/02/17 Opinion Concerning the Review of the Act for Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
2017/02/16 Opinion Calling for the Enhancement of the Functions of International Arbitration in Japan
2017/02/16 Opinion Concerning the Improvement of the Legal System of Japan to Implement the Paris Agreement
2017/01/19 Opinion Concerning Police Investigation Using GPS-Tracking Devices for Searching Individuals' Locations
2016/09/14 旧Statement by the President of JFBA Protesting the Illegal Installation of Security Cameras
2016/09/14 Statement by the President of JFBA Protesting the Illegal Installation of Security Cameras
2012/01/19 Opinion on the Statutory Regulations governing / regarding the Installation and Operation of Video Surveillance Devices
2011/11/16 Statement Calling for Urgent Financial Support for University Students and Students Wishing to Enroll at Universities who are Victims of the Disaster
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