English>What's new>Event>Symposium Why is it necessary to ratify the Optional Protocol to Eliminate Discrimination against Women?  ~We think with Ms.Patricia Schulz (Chair of Working Group on Communications of CEDAW)~

Symposium Why is it necessary to ratify the Optional Protocol to Eliminate Discrimination against Women?  ~We think with Ms.Patricia Schulz (Chair of Working Group on Communications of CEDAW)~

Ms.Patricia Schultz,  Chair of Working Group on Communications of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women(CEDAW), will give a lecture on the necessity of ratification of the Optional Protocol and the request from CEDAW. In the panel discussion, we will also discuss current situations in Japan. We are waiting for the participation of many people by all means.

Date & Time

October 2,2018(Tue)18:00-20:00

Venue Bar Associations Building, 17F, 1701 (1-3, Kasumigaseki 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Fee Free
Participants・Capacity Everyone can participate, but the capacity is 100 people
Language English,Japanese (Consecutive Interpretation Provided)

【Part 1】Language:English (Consecutive Interpretation Provided)
Why is it necessary to ratify the Optional Protocol to Eliminate Discrimination against Women?
Speakers/Patricia Schulz (Switzerland・Chair of Working Group on Communications of CEDAW)
Consecutive interpretation/Yumi Itakura(Lawyer. Tokyo  Bar Associations )

【Part 2】 Language:Japanese (Consecutive Interpretation Provided)
① Japan's current situation on ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All             Forms of Discrimination against Women and the request from CEDAW.
② About the situation of JFBA activities on personal reporting system.
③ NGO activities on Japanese ratification of the Optional Protocol to Eliminate Discrimination against Women.
Coordinator/Yasuko Yamashita(Emeritus Professor Bunkyo Gakuin University)
Patricia Schulz (Switzerland・Chair of Working Group on Communications of CEDAW)
Hidefumi  Okawa( Lawyer. Tokyo  Bar Associations )
Yasuko Yunoki(Japan NGO Network for CEDAW)

Flyer (PDF File;295KB)


No advance application required

Organizers Japan Federation of Bar Associations
Japan NGO Network for CEDAW,Japanese Association of International Women's Rights
Contact Human Rights 2nd Division , JFBA TEL:03-3580-9941



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