
Organization of the JFBA (as of October 1, 2017)

*the numbers in the brackrs([ ]) indicate the number of members of each body.

Categories of membership

Local Bar Associations [52]
Attorneys [38,870] (including 7,168 female members)
Legal Professional Corporations [1,078]
Okinawa Special Members [8]
Registered Foreign Lawyers (Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi) [404]
Registered Foreign Lawyer Corporations [5]

Legislative Bodies

General Meeting:
the JFBA s highest decision-making body in which important issues such as budgets and the establishment and revision of the JFBA' s Articles and rules are deliberated.
House of Delegates:
Deliberates mainly on the selection of Vice Presidents, Governors, and Auditors.
Board of Executive Governors:
Deliberates mainly on issues related to the rules and regulations of local bar associations.
Board of Governors:
Deliberates on issues related to JFBA regulations, agendas for General Meetings, and JFBA opinion papers, among other issues.


President [1]
directly elected by all attorney members, 2year term.
Vice-Presidents [13] :1year term.
Number of Vice Presidents is increased to 15 since April, 2018.
Governors [71]
1year term, several Executive Governors are elected from among the Governors themselves.
Auditors [5]: 1year term.


Secretary General[1]:
Attorney; appointed by the President following the deliberation by the Board of Govemors.
Deputy Secretary General[7]:
six attorneys and one staff member.
Secretariat Staff Members[175]:
  • General Affairs Department: General Affairs Division, IT System & Facility Management Division, Accounting Division, Human Resources Division
  • Membership & Disciplinary Department: Membership & Disciplinary 1st Division, Membership & Disciplinary 2nd Division, Membership & Disciplinary 3rd Division
  • Judicial Affairs Department: Judicial Affairs 1st Division, Judicial Affairs 2nd Division
  • Human Rights Department: Human Rights 1st Division, Human Rights 2nd Division
  • Legal Practice Affairs Department: Legal Practice Affairs 1st Division, Legal Practice Affairs 2nd Division, Legal Practice Affairs 3rd Division
  • Planning and Coordination Department: Planning and Coordination Division, Public Information Division, International Affairs Division
Research Office: Attorney officers [9]:
conducts research on judicial issues.
Public Information Office: Attorney officers [5]:
announces JFBA's activities to the media and operates the JFBA website.
Office of International Affairs: Attorney officers [9]:
serves as a liaison for international activities of the JFBA.
Office for Human Rights Protection: Attorney officers [6]:
provides support for the Human Rights Protection Committee in its human rights relief activities.
Office of Continuing Legal Education and Legal Practice: Attorney officers [7]:
supports the training programs operated by the JFBA Comprehensive Center for Continuing Legal Education; conducts research and studies on the areas of attorneys’ practice.
Office on Japan Legal Support Center: Attorney officers [5]:
conducts research and studies on the issues that the JFBA should address in relation to the Japan Legal Support Center to establish policies; exchanges information with the attorneys.
Research Office for Judicial Systems: Attorney officers [33]:
established on January 1, 2016 by merging Research Office for Judicial Reform, Office for Legal Education, Office on Information and Statistics, and Office on Legislative Issues; conducts research and studies on judicial systems, legal education system, and legislative issues; collects and analyzes statistical research data; edits and publishes the White Paper on Attorneys
JFBA Comprehensive Center for Continuing Legal Education:
plans and operates the JFBA's training programs
Other attorney officers [18]:
engage in various research and studies.
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