Declaration on Action for Human Rights 2009
- Japanese
November, 2009
About this Declaration
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA), the JFBA wrote the Declaration on Action for Human Rights 2009.
After World War II, people all over the world, have been making various efforts to create a peaceful world with human dignity as the foundation for everything. Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, many human rights norms were established. In Japan, the Constitution of Japan was enacted and efforts to protect human rights and respect rights of individuals have been expanded and deepened.
During this 60-year period, the JFBA also has been struggling to protect and strengthen human rights.
However, there are still many human rights problems to be solved. In addition, after the September 11 attacks against the U.S. and other conflicts, war has been spreading and surveillance is reinforced in society. These movements are casting dark shadows over freedom and human rights. Furthermore, the gap between the poor and the rich is widening as a result of deregulation and new human rights problems such as the increase of the working poor are emerging. Global warming and other global environmental problems are also becoming serious.
Under these circumstances, the JFBA has recognized the necessity to make a new declaration concerning human rights actions, which would direct our future activities.
In order to protect human rights, continuous efforts are required and we will further strive to protect human rights following the path shown by this declaration.
We hope this declaration will also provide direction for everyone’s activities to protect human rights and that we can work together to realize the objectives of this declaration.
Contents of the Declaration
- Gender Equality
- Rights of Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
- Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
- Rights of Children
- Rights of Consumers
- Rights of Workers
- Poverty and Human Rights
- Guarantee of Rights of Foreign Nationals, Refugees, and Ethnic Minorities
- Right to Medical Treatment
- Elimination of Pollution and Preservation of the Environment
- Criminal Procedures and Human Rights
- Tougher Sentences and Enhancement of Scope of Crimes to be Punished, and Human Rights
- Human Rights and the Death Penalty
- Human Rights of Criminal Detainees
- Human Rights of Criminals
- Human Rights of Crime Victims
- Elimination of Organized Crime Involvement in Civic Affairs
- Police and Human Rights
- Freedom of Thought and Creed
- Freedom of Expression
- Media and Human Rights
- Surveillance Society and Human Rights
- Protection of Personal Information
- Companies and Human Rights
- Administration and Human Rights/Rights of Tax Payers
- Local Autonomy
- Spread of Pacifism and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
- Integration, Reduction, and Removal of U.S. Military Bases and Fundamental Review of Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement
- Human Rights of War Victims
- Issues on Constitutional Revision
- International Human Rights Safeguards
- Domestic Human Rights Safeguards